Greenhouse Gas Fluxes—GLBRC Scale-up Experiment

GLBRC140:Greenhouse Gas Fluxes—GLBRC Scale-up Experiment

This dataset contains greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) from soils of the GLBRC Scale-up Experiment and includes flux data for all fields at Lux Arbor (L1-L3) and Marshall Farms (M1-M4) planted to corn (L1, M1), switchgrass (L2, M3), and restored prairie (L3, M2) in 2010 after a 2009 no-till soybean crop in all fields to convert tilled corn-soybean-wheat rotations (AGR) at Lux Arbor and fields in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) at Marshall Farm to no-till bioenergy crops. One field at Marshall Farm (M4) remains as CRP brome grass. GHG fluxes are measured at approximate 2-week intervals during the growing season using static chambers. Soil temperature and moisture at the time of gas sampling are also determined.


GLBRC085-002 Greenhouse Gas Fluxes

Fluxes of N2O, CO2, and CH4 from soils of all fields of the GLBRC Scale-up Experiment using static chambers. Fluxes are corrected to the 3-meter air temperature at 10 am on the day chamber gases were sampled.

GLBRC085-004 Soil Temperature at Greenhouse Gas Sampling

Soil temperature measured at 1 inch below the soil surface during sampling of greenhouse gases from static chambers.

GLBRC085-006 Soil Moisture at Greenhouse Gas Sampling

Gravimetric soil moisture of surface soil samples (0-25 cm) taken once in each plot during each gas sampling campaign.


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