GLBRC Sustainability Research Data Catalog
This Data Catalog is a collection of data from the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center's Sustainability research carried out in Michigan and Wisconsin. The Data Catalog summarizes each data table in order to allow the GLBRC community to better understand the data that have been collected and encourage collaboration. The policy of the GLBRC is to not release data until it has been published by lead investigators in order to protect authors' rights to first publication and QA/QC integrity. You can contact the lead investigator listed on the data table for possible publication dates. Direct any questions to the GLBRC Sustainability Database Manager. Click here for data submission guidelines.
A padlock indicates a dataset that is not yet public. To select just the public datasets click here
- Agronomic Details
- Agronomics
- History
- Crop Yields
- GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
- Agronomic Logs
- Agronomic Field Log and Activity Reports (2007 to present)
- Arlington Harvest Equipment (2008 to 2010)
- Fertilizer Application Report (2008 to 2022)
- Insecticide Use by Year and Treatment (2008 to 2017)
- Other Materials applied by Year and Treatment (2008 to 2018)
- Planting Details by Year and Treatment (2008 to 2019)
- History
- Spatial Data
- Weather
- Crop Yields
- Agronomic Yields of All Treatments (2008 to present)
- Agronomic Yields of Annual Crops (2008 to 2021)
- Agronomic Yields of Perennial Crops (2008 to 2022)
- Nitrogen Fertilzer Subplot Yields (2009 to 2014)
- Residual Stover Biomass (2015 to 2021)
- Stover Removal Subplot Yields (2008 to 2018)
- Stover and Cover Crop Yields and Residual Stover Biomass (2008 to 2017)
- Biogeochemical Fluxes
- Soil Properties
- Soil Chemistry
- Agronomic Soil Chemistry (2008 to present)
- Agronomic Soil Chemistry of Deep Cores (2008 to 2017)
- Arlington Baseline Surface Soil Survey (2008)
- KBS Baseline Soil Carbon and Nitrogen (2008)
- Nitrogen Mineralization (2013)
- Soil Inorganic Nitrogen (Resin Strip Method) (2009)
- Soil Total Carbon and Nitrogen (2008 to 2017)
- Soil Water Chemistry (2009 to 2021)
- Soil pH (2008 to 2013)
- Physical Properties
- Gravimetric soil moisture for BCSE rainout shelter experiment (2018 to 2022)
- Soil Bulk Density (2008 to 2017)
- Soil Bulk Density of Deep Cores (2008 to 2022)
- Soil Horizons of Deep Cores (2008)
- Soil Moisture (Gravimetric) (2008 to present)
- Soil Temperature (2009 to 2011)
- Soil Texture and Soil Organic Matter at ERT Plots (2009)
- Soil Texture of Deep Cores (2008)
- Soil moisture profiles in replicate 1 of the BCSE (2019 to present)
- Soil profile moisture (2009 to 2017)
- Volumetric Soil Moisture (Hyrdosense) (2024)
- Soil Chemistry
- Microbes
- Plants
- Biomass and Species Composition
- Aboveground Biomass of Annual Crops (2008 to 2022)
- Aboveground Biomass of Annual and Herbaceous Perennial Crops (2008 to 2017)
- Aboveground Biomass of Herbaceous Perennial Crops (2008 to 2022)
- Aboveground biomass at the time of root sampling (2017)
- Poplar Leaf Litter Biomass (2008 to 2017)
- Poplar Stem Diameter and Biomass Measurements (2008 to present)
- Poplar Understory Biomass (2008 to 2019)
- Counts
- Measurements
- Tissue Chemistry
- Above ground Plant Carbon and Nitrogen from the root excavation project (2017)
- Crop Quality - Sugar and Starches (2022 to present)
- Feedstock Quality- crop sugars, cellulose, ethanol, fatty acids, digestibility and lignin (2008 to 2012)
- Poplar Leaf Tissue Chemical Analyses (2011 to 2017)
- Tissue P Concentrations of Archived Plant Samples (2009 to 2015)
- Total Carbon and Nitrogen Content at Harvest (2010 to 2018)
- Total Carbon and Nitrogen Content at Peak Biomass (2008 to 2018)
- Total Carbon and Nitrogen of Perennial Fine Roots by Ingrowth Cores (2009 to 2013)
- Phenology
- Roots
- Fine Root Production of Perennial Crops by Ingrowth Cores (2008 to 2013)
- Production and Total Carbon and Nitrogen of Perennial Fine Roots by Ingrowth Cores (2008 to 2013)
- Root Biomass and Total Carbon and Nitrogen of Annual Crops
- Root Biomass of Annual Crops (2008 to 2014)
- Root Biomass of Cover Crops (2013)
- Root Biomass of Perennial Crops by Depth (2008 to 2017)
- Root Carbon and Nitrogen (2017)
- Root biomass (2017)
- Biomass and Species Composition
- Collections
- Agronomic Logs
- GLBRC Scale-up Experiment
KBS commercial fields managed to replicate biofuel treatments at landscape scales
- Agronomics
- Agronomic Logs
- History
- Spatial Data
- Crop Yields
- Biogeochemical Fluxes
- Soil Properties
- Soil Chemistry
- Moisture
- Physical Properties
- Plants
- Biomass and Species Composition
- Counts
- Tissue Chemistry
- Collections
- GLBRC Biodiversity Experiment
Cellulosic biofuel production implications on biodiversity across MI & WI biofuel fields
- Spatial Data
- GPS Coordinates
- Soil Properties
- Invertebrates
- Plants
- Corn Plant Counts at Extensive Sites (2010)
- Floral Transects in Extensive Sites (2009)
- Plant Biomass in the Extensive Sites (2008 to 2010)
- Plant Species Composition (Nested Circles Method) (2008 to 2010)
- Plant Species Composition (Transect method) in the Extensive Sites (2009 to 2011)
- Robel Pole Measurements in the Extensive Sites (2009 to 2010)
- Spatial Data
- GLBRC Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment
Switchgrass fertilized at 8 nitrogen rates and harvested once vs twice per year
- Crop Yields
- Soil Properties
- Plants
- Collections
- Water Chemistry
- GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment
- Agronomic Logs
- Research Context
- Weather
- Crop Yields
- Soil Properties
- Soil Characterization (Pit Samples) (2017)
- Soil Chemistry
- Physical Properties
- Plants
- Aboveground Peak Plant Biomass (2014 to present)
- NREL NIR analsysis (2021)
- Plant Canopy Species and Height (2017 to 2022)
- Poplar Tree Diameters (2016 to present)
- Stand Counts of Perennial Crops (2017 to 2019)
- Switchgrass Leaf Tissue Chemical Analyses (2018)
- Switchgrass Varieties Planted (2013)
- Tissue Chemistry
- Collections
- GLBRC Marginal Land Rainfall Exclusion Experiment
Rainout Shelters
- Research Context
- Weather
- Crop Yields
- Soil Properties
- GLBRC Woody Biomass Experiment
Short-rotation woody biomass experiments at Escanaba and Rhinelander
- GLBRC Regional Intensive Modeling Areas (RIMA) Experiment
Multi-county areas used for quantitative modeling of biofuel cropping systems at landscape scales
- GLBRC Biofuel Productivity Experiment
Candidate biofuel crops grown in small plots
- GLBRC Switchgrass Variety Experiment I
Switchgrass varieties tested for establishment potential, productivity, and biomass quality
- Crop Yields
- Soil Properties
- Plants
- GLBRC Miscanthus/Swithgrass EBI Experiment
- GLBRC Switchgrass Variety Experiment II
- Crop Yields
- Soil Properties
- Plants
- Sorghum Hybrid Trial 2020