GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

Other Materials applied by Year and Treatment — GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment

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A report of the miscellaneous materials used on all treatments and replicates of the GLBRC Intensive site.

This datatable is part of the GLBRC Experiment dataset.

Baseline and general data for the GLBRC Experiments.


Experiment: GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
Data available from: May 2008 to March 2018
Dataset: GLBRC083
Datatable ID: GLBRC083-012.101
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
obs date observation date
site site location
treatment experimental treatment
plot experimental plot
material material applied
rate rate at which the material was applied
unit unit
comment aglog observation comment

Data Excerpt

obs_date site treatment plot material rate unit comment
2024-06-11 KBS Switchgrass_variety Condition 0.0 % sprayed with glystar plus @ 48 oz / Acre, Condition + Improve
2024-06-11 KBS Sorghum_Nitrogen_Rate_Experiment_South Condition 0.0 % sprayed with glystar plus @ 48 oz / Acre, Condition + Improve
2023-04-03 KBS G5 G5R1 Condition 0.25 % v/v Sprayed BCSE G5 with Glyphosate to kill cool season grasses before switchgrass emergence.
2023-04-03 KBS G5 G5R2 Condition 0.25 % v/v Sprayed BCSE G5 with Glyphosate to kill cool season grasses before switchgrass emergence.
2023-04-03 KBS G5 G5R3 Condition 0.25 % v/v Sprayed BCSE G5 with Glyphosate to kill cool season grasses before switchgrass emergence.
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