GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

Geometrical centroids of experiments in GLBRC Extensive Sites — Cellulosic Biofuel Diversity Experiment

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This table contains the geospatial centroid information of the sampling locations at the GLBRC Extensive Experiment

This datatable is part of the GLBRC Experiment dataset.

Baseline and general data for the GLBRC Experiments.


Experiment: Cellulosic Biofuel Diversity Experiment
Dataset: GLBRC083
Datatable ID: GLBRC083-019.101
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
site experimental site
experiment experiment at the research site
feature feature of the geospatial data
geom centroid geospatial centroid in WGS84

Data Excerpt

site experiment feature geom_centroid
Michigan GLBRC Extensive site GLBRC Extensive experiment sampling station POINT(-84.80019202176464 42.664146264007336)
Wisconsin GLBRC Extensive Site GLBRC Extensive experiment sampling station POINT(-89.52139333332751 43.10088000000026)
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