GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

Fertilizer applied between 2003 and 2008 to the BCSE — Agronomic Details

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Fertilizer applied to the field that became the BCSE prior to 2008. There were 3 subfields 98-1, 98-2 and 98-3 that were combined to provide the space for the BCSE.

This datatable is part of the GLBRC Experiment dataset.

Baseline and general data for the GLBRC Experiments.


Experiment: Agronomic Details
Dataset: GLBRC083
Datatable ID: GLBRC083-020.101
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
date fertilzation date
field id field id
crop the crop grown
fertilizer the fertilizer that was applied
fertilizer rate lbs ac the fertilizer rate in lb/ac lb/ac

Data Excerpt

date field_id crop fertilizer fertilizer_rate_lbs_ac
2003-04-21 98-3 alfalfa 18-46-0 100.0
2003-04-16 98-3 alfalfa Potash 450.0
2004-04-06 98-3 alflalfa Custom Mix 2004 (9-23-29) 300.0
2004-04-03 98-3 alfalfa Potash 350.0
2005-06-17 98-3 corn Anhydrous, sidedress, 2005, HFB, per lb N 60.0
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