GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

Soil Inorganic N — GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment

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Soil inorganic nitrogen (ammonium and nitrate+nitrite) concentration in surface (0-25cm) soil of the Marginal Land Experiment

This datatable is part of the Soil Properties — Marginal Land Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains soil data for the GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment (MLE) originally established in 2013 at north, central and south sites in Wisconsin and Michigan. The experiment consists of six different biofuel cropping systems (a.k.a. treatments; G5-G10; including switchgrass, miscanthus, native grasses, hybrid poplar, early successional, and restored prairie, respectively) plus an historical vegetation control (G11), replicated in each of 4 blocks (R1-R4) at each site. Split-plot treatments were initiated in 2014-2016 to examine the effect of nitrogen fertilization [plus_n (+N) vs control (0N)] on all cropping systems.


Experiment: GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment
Data available from: October 2020 to October 2023
Dataset: GLBRC094
Datatable ID: GLBRC094-015.303
Core Areas Inorganic Nutrients
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Last Updated 2024-08-13
Variate Description Units
sample date sampling date
experiment the experiment name
site marginal land experiment site
treatment treatment of the marginal land experiment
replicate block within a treatment
field section subplot orientation
n treatment nitrogen fertilization treatment
top depth top soil depth cm
bottom depth bottom soil depth cm
soil moisture soil moisture, if the soil moisture was missing, the average soil moisture for the treatment was used. %
no3 inorganic nitrate μg/g
nh4 ammonia μg/g
comments comments about the measurement

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Data Excerpt

sample_date experiment site treatment replicate field_section n_treatment top_depth bottom_depth soil_moisture no3 nh4 comments
2020-10-09 GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment Michigan North - Escanaba G5 R1 east plus_n 0 25 21.0 2.79 0.077
2020-10-09 GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment Michigan North - Escanaba G5 R2 east plus_n 0 25 23.0 3.12 0.0
2020-10-09 GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment Michigan North - Escanaba G5 R3 east control 0 25 22.0 1.09 0.0264
2020-10-09 GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment Michigan North - Escanaba G5 R4 east plus_n 0 25 22.0 1.12
2020-10-09 GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment Michigan North - Escanaba G5 R1 west control 0 25 22.0 0.534 0.299
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