GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

Albedo tower data — GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment

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Albedo towers were installed on replicate 1 of the BCSE to monitor the crop albedo. Albedo was measured over the main plot as well as the microplot.

This datatable is part of the Albedo as a factor in radiative forcing dataset.

albedo is a factor in determining the wariming potential associated with land use change


Experiment: GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
Data available from: May 2018 to December 2019
Dataset: GLBRC147
Datatable ID: GLBRC147-001.8
Repository link:
Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
table number Table Identifier
sampled at Timestamp of the observation in UTC
ptemp avg Air Temperature recorded by the datalogger within enclosure C
battv avg Average Battery Voltage
battv max Maximum Battery Voltage
battv min Minimium Battery Voltage
sw in avg Average Incoming Shortwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
sw in max Maximum Incoming Shortwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
sw in min Minimium Incoming Shortwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
sw in std Standard Deviation of Incoming Shortwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
sw out avg Average Outgoing Shortwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
sw out max Maximum Outgoing Shortwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
sw out min Minimium Outgoing Shortwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
sw out std Standard Deviation of Outgoing Shortwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
lw in avg Average Incoming Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
lw in max Maximum Incoming Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
lw in min Minimium Incoming Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
lw in std Standard Deviation of Incoming Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
lw out avg Average Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
lw out max Maximum Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
lw out min Minimium Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
lw out std Standard Deviation of Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
net sw avg Average Net Shortwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Solar Radiation minus Outgoing Solar Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
net sw max Maximum Net Shortwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Solar Radiation minus Outgoing Solar Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
net sw min Minimium Net Shortwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Solar Radiation minus Outgoing Solar Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
net sw std Standard Deviation of Net Shortwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Solar Radiation minus Outgoing Solar Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
net lw avg Average Net Longwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Longwave Radiation minus Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
net lw max Maximum Net Longwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Longwave Radiation minus Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
net lw min Minimium Net Longwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Longwave Radiation minus Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
net lw std Standard Deviation of Net Longwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Longwave Radiation minus Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
tot rad avg Average Total Radiation, derived from cumulative of Net Shortwave and Net Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
tot rad max Maximum Total Radiation, derived from cumulative of Net Shortwave and Net Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
tot rad min Minimium Total Radiation, derived from cumulative of Net Shortwave and Net Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
tot rad std Standard Deviation of Total Radiation, derived from cumulative of Net Shortwave and Net Longwave Radiation, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
albedo avg Average Albedo, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
albedo max Maximum Albedo, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
albedo min Minimium Albedo, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
albedo std Standard Deviation of Albedo, measured with an SN500 Net Radiometer
vwc avg Average Volumetric Water Content, measured with a CS616
vwc max Maximum Volumetric Water Content, measured with a CS616
vwc min Minimium Volumetric Water Content, measured with a CS616
vwc std Average Volumetric Water Content, measured with a CS616
pa us avg Average Volumetric Water Content calculated from Period Average, measured with a CS616
pa us max Maximum Volumetric Water Content calculated from Period Average, measured with a CS616
pa us min Minimium Volumetric Water Content calculated from Period Average, measured with a CS616
pa us std Average Volumetric Water Content calculated from Period Average, measured with a CS616
nr 1 avg Average Total Radiation from the side of the tower, measured with a Q-7.1 Net Radiometer
nr 1 max Maximum Total Radiation from the side of the tower, measured with a Q-7.1 Net Radiometer
nr 1 min Minimium Total Radiation from the side of the tower, measured with a Q-7.1 Net Radiometer
nr 1 std Standard Deviation of Total Radiation from the side of the tower, measured with a Q-7.1 Net Radiometer
nr 2 avg Average Total Radiation from the side of the tower, measured with a Q-7.1 Net Radiometer
nr 2 max Maximum Total Radiation from the side of the tower, measured with a Q-7.1 Net Radiometer
nr 2 min Minimium Total Radiation from the side of the tower, measured with a Q-7.1 Net Radiometer
nr 2 std Standard Deviation of Total Radiation from the side of the tower, measured with a Q-7.1 Net Radiometer
cnr4swupper avg Average Incoming Shortwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4swupper max Maximum Incoming Shortwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4swupper min Minimium Incoming Shortwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4swupper std Standard Deviation of Incoming Shortwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4swlower avg Average Outgoing Shortwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4swlower max Maximum Outgoing Shortwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4swlower min Minimium Outgoing Shortwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4swlower std Standard Deviation of Outgoing Shortwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4lwupper avg Average Incoming Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4lwupper max Maximum Incoming Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4lwupper min Minimium Incoming Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4lwupper std Standard Deviation of Incoming Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4lwlower avg Average Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4lwlower max Maximum Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4lwlower min Minimium Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4lwlower std Standard Deviation of Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rsnet avg Average Net Shortwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Solar Radiation minus Outgoing Solar Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rsnet max Maximum Net Shortwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Solar Radiation minus Outgoing Solar Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rsnet min Minimium Net Shortwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Solar Radiation minus Outgoing Solar Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rsnet std Standard Deviation of Net Shortwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Solar Radiation minus Outgoing Solar Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rlnet avg Average Net Longwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Longwave Radiation minus Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rlnet max Maximum Net Longwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Longwave Radiation minus Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rlnet min Minimium Net Longwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Longwave Radiation minus Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rlnet std Standard Deviation of Net Longwave Radiation, derived from total of Incoming Longwave Radiation minus Outgoing Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4albedo avg Average Albedo, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4albedo max Maximum Albedo, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4albedo min Minimium Albedo, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4albedo std Standard Deviation of Albedo, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rn avg Average Total Radiation, derived from cumulative of Net Shortwave and Net Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rn max Maximum Total Radiation, derived from cumulative of Net Shortwave and Net Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rn min Minimium Total Radiation, derived from cumulative of Net Shortwave and Net Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
cnr4rn std Standard Deviation of Total Radiation, derived from cumulative of Net Shortwave and Net Longwave Radiation, measured with an CNR4 Net Radiometer
climavue swin f avg Average Incoming Shortwave Radiation, measured with a ClimaVUE50
rain tot Total precipitation observed, measured with a ClimaVUE50
ws avg Average Wind Speed, measured with a ClimaVUE50
winddir avg Average Wind Direction, measured with a ClimaVUE50
maxws max Average Maximum Wind Speed, measured with a ClimaVUE50
airt avg Average Air Temperature, measured with a ClimaVUE50
vp avg Average Vapor Pressure, measured with a ClimaVUE50
bp avg Average Barometric Pressure, measured with a ClimaVUE50
rh max Maximum Relative Humidity, measured with a ClimaVUE50
rh min Minimium Relative Humidity, measured with a ClimaVUE50
rh avg Average Relative Humidity, measured with a ClimaVUE50

GLBRC data is not yet publicly available.

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Data Excerpt

table_number sampled_at ptemp_avg battv_avg battv_max battv_min sw_in_avg sw_in_max sw_in_min sw_in_std sw_out_avg sw_out_max sw_out_min sw_out_std lw_in_avg lw_in_max lw_in_min lw_in_std lw_out_avg lw_out_max lw_out_min lw_out_std net_sw_avg net_sw_max net_sw_min net_sw_std net_lw_avg net_lw_max net_lw_min net_lw_std tot_rad_avg tot_rad_max tot_rad_min tot_rad_std albedo_avg albedo_max albedo_min albedo_std vwc_avg vwc_max vwc_min vwc_std pa_us_avg pa_us_max pa_us_min pa_us_std nr_1_avg nr_1_max nr_1_min nr_1_std nr_2_avg nr_2_max nr_2_min nr_2_std cnr4swupper_avg cnr4swupper_max cnr4swupper_min cnr4swupper_std cnr4swlower_avg cnr4swlower_max cnr4swlower_min cnr4swlower_std cnr4lwupper_avg cnr4lwupper_max cnr4lwupper_min cnr4lwupper_std cnr4lwlower_avg cnr4lwlower_max cnr4lwlower_min cnr4lwlower_std cnr4rsnet_avg cnr4rsnet_max cnr4rsnet_min cnr4rsnet_std cnr4rlnet_avg cnr4rlnet_max cnr4rlnet_min cnr4rlnet_std cnr4albedo_avg cnr4albedo_max cnr4albedo_min cnr4albedo_std cnr4rn_avg cnr4rn_max cnr4rn_min cnr4rn_std climavue_swin_f_avg rain_tot ws_avg winddir_avg maxws_max airt_avg vp_avg bp_avg rh_max rh_min rh_avg id
101 2019-12-27 16:30:00 +0000 2.376 12.8 51.02 57.68 39.69 4.565 10.04 12.08 7.53 1.066 318.7 321.2 317.3 1.258 330.3 331.5 329.4 0.52 40.97 46.29 32.24 3.564 -11.53 -10.86 -12.65 0.426 29.44 34.91 21.31 3.344 0.197 0.208 0.184 0.005 0.347 0.347 0.347 0.0 29.22 29.22 29.21 0.003 145979
101 2019-12-27 16:00:00 +0000 2.349 12.8 49.6 55.4 42.89 3.553 9.89 11.21 8.09 0.844 321.2 321.9 319.7 0.419 331.2 333.1 329.8 0.773 39.7 44.42 34.4 2.765 -11.08 -9.63 -12.74 0.667 28.62 33.13 23.68 2.538 0.2 0.211 0.184 0.006 0.347 0.347 0.347 0.0 29.22 29.23 29.22 0.002 145978
101 2019-12-27 15:30:00 +0000 2.323 12.8 41.7 48.16 27.66 4.91 8.2 9.87 5.18 1.106 320.5 322.0 319.1 0.729 330.0 330.9 329.4 0.347 33.51 38.63 22.34 3.822 -9.83 -8.96 -10.79 0.374 23.69 28.9 12.78 3.635 0.196 0.209 0.175 0.007 0.347 0.348 0.347 0.0 29.22 29.23 29.22 0.002 145977
101 2019-12-27 15:00:00 +0000 2.251 12.8 26.46 35.54 18.3 4.433 5.086 7.29 3.19 0.981 321.9 322.9 320.4 0.619 330.1 331.1 329.4 0.39 21.38 28.33 15.14 3.464 -8.56 -7.93 -9.88 0.491 12.81 19.15 6.92 3.094 0.192 0.206 0.175 0.007 0.348 0.348 0.347 0.0 29.23 29.23 29.23 0.002 145976
101 2019-12-27 14:30:00 +0000 2.206 12.8 15.0 20.89 8.95 3.621 2.671 3.88 1.36 0.792 321.4 322.6 320.3 0.617 329.4 330.0 329.0 0.214 12.34 17.19 7.68 2.839 -7.958 -7.45 -8.55 0.221 4.378 8.64 -0.03 2.694 0.176 0.2 0.152 0.012 0.348 0.348 0.347 0.0 29.23 29.23 29.23 0.002 145975
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