GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

Archived Plant Samples — GLBRC Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment

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A list of archived plant material from the Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment. A subsample from the machine harvested crop is dried, ground and archived, and may also be analyzed for total carbon and nitrogen. Note that “Unsorted” indicates that subsamples from harvested switchgrass are not sorted to species and may contain plant material from other species. Also note that the plot label is derived from the following information “treatment name, plot number – original number of harvests per year”. For “SWF1 108-H1”, as an example, SWF1 is fertilization level #1 (0 kg N/ha), 108 is the plot in block #1 that is the eighth from the west, and H1 is the initial harvest strategy of 1 harvest per year.

This datatable is part of the Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains data from the Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment (formerly Nitrogen/Harvest) at the KBS GLBRC Intensive Field Site. Switchgrass is grown under 8 rates of nitrogen fertilization (F1-F8; 0-196 kg N/ha) with each treatment plot replicated in four blocks (R1-R4). From 2010–2012, the experiment also included split plots with two harvest strategies (H1, H2; 1 vs 2 harvests/yr) for each nitrogen treatment; from 2013 onward all split plots are harvested only once in the fall, with yields measured separately 2013-2022 and combined starting in 2023.


Experiment: GLBRC Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment
Data available from: January 2010 to December 2021
Dataset: GLBRC132
Datatable ID: GLBRC096-003.126
Core Areas Primary Production
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
year year of the growing season
sample date date sampled
sample date described sample date in words when multiple dates are combined
site experiment location
treatment treatment of nitrogen application
plot plot number representing plot identity
harvest scheme before 2012 H1: harvest once; H2: harvest twice
species species collected
comment notes about the data row

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Data Excerpt

year sample_date sample_date_described site treatment plot harvest_before_2012 species comments
2021 2021-11-05 11/5/21 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site SWF5 101 H1 UnSorted
2021 2021-11-05 11/5/21 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site SWF3 102 H1 UnSorted
2021 2021-11-05 11/5/21 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site SWF8 103 H1 UnSorted
2021 2021-11-05 11/5/21 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site SWF2 104 H1 UnSorted
2021 2021-11-05 11/5/21 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site SWF4 105 H1 UnSorted
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