GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

Soil Water Chemistry — GLBRC Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment

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Soil water (leachate) samples collected biweekly throughout the growing season from low-tension soil water samplers (also called suction lysimeters) buried ~1.2 meters deep in replicates R2-R4 of the Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment and analyzed for a range of chemical parameters.

data collection ceased after the 2021 season

This datatable is part of the Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains data from the Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment (formerly Nitrogen/Harvest) at the KBS GLBRC Intensive Field Site. Switchgrass is grown under 8 rates of nitrogen fertilization (F1-F8; 0-196 kg N/ha) with each treatment plot replicated in four blocks (R1-R4). From 2010–2012, the experiment also included split plots with two harvest strategies (H1, H2; 1 vs 2 harvests/yr) for each nitrogen treatment; from 2013 onward all split plots are harvested only once in the fall, with yields measured separately 2013-2022 and combined starting in 2023.


Experiment: GLBRC Switchgrass Nitrogen Rate Experiment
Data available from: June 2009 to December 2021
Dataset: GLBRC132
Datatable ID: GLBRC088-027.132
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Last Updated 2023-12-05
Variate Description Units
sample date sampling date
replicate block of the experiment
plot sampled plot
harvest scheme
NO3-N NO3-N mg/L
Cl Cl mg/L
SO4 SO4 mg/L
Cnd-L Specific Conductance Lab µS/cm
pH-lab pH measured in lab
Ca-IC Ca measured by ion chromotagraphy mg/L
Mg-IC Mg measured by ion chromotagraphy mg/L
Na-IC Na measured by ion chromotagraphy mg/L
K-IC K measured by ion chromotagraphy mg/L
longitude longitude of lysimeter location (SRID 4326)
latitude latitude of lysimeter location (SRID 4326)

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Data Excerpt

sample_date comments site replicate plot harvest_scheme NO3-N Cl SO4 Cnd-L TDP pH - lab Ca-IC Mg-IC Na-IC K-IC longitude latitude
2009-06-19 soil water samplers GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility/Harvest Trial 4 408 H2 4.944404 2.1404083 13.072335 210.0 8.378321 6.77 25.947613 5.290171 10.443807 1.7317835 -85.370860418 42.393741149
2009-06-19 soil water samplers GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility/Harvest Trial 4 407 H2 10.4583845 1.9974751 19.296999 264.0 5.532853 6.78 34.297493 7.1583977 7.845037 1.0279877 -85.370909624 42.393740691
2009-06-19 soil water samplers GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility/Harvest Trial 4. 406 H2 9.145508 1.9744978 11.89244 189.1 9.168728 6.64 24.510366 4.6999364 5.4099927 1.6050361 -85.370967405 42.393743335
2009-06-19 soil water samplers GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility/Harvest Trial 4 405 H2 5.399599 6.193739 26.723125 398.0 26.241531 7.09 44.03379 13.892035 20.330872 3.6264212 -85.371026202 42.393742189
2009-06-19 soil water samplers GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility/Harvest Trial 4 404 H2 12.54686 1.7598586 12.367838 266.0 15.491988 6.81 30.326416 8.2888155 9.884716 2.304965 -85.371079999 42.393741146
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