GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

Soil profile moisture — GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment

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Soil moistures are measured hourly with a Campbell TDR100 system. The hourly data is passed through a 13 point median filter, then the daily median is retrieved and the result is passed through a 3 point filter that passes the middle point if the vwc is within 0.03 % of the mean of the surrounding points if it did not rain in the last 2 days. If it did rain it middle point is accepted if it is higher than the mean of the outside points.

This datatable is part of the Profile Soil Moistures dataset.



Experiment: GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
Data available from: May 2009 to December 2017
Dataset: GLBRC123
Datatable ID: GLBRC123-001.20
Core Areas Disturbance
Repository link:
Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
sample date The sample date
site The experimental site
experiment The experiement
treatment the treatment
replicate the replicate plot
soil depth cm the soil depth where the moisture is measured cm
volumetric soil moisture the fractional volumetric soil moisture g/g
year the year where the sample was taken

Data Excerpt

sample_date site experiment treatment replicate soil_depth_cm volumetric_soil_moisture year
2009-01-01 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment G1 R1 10 2009
2009-01-01 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment G1 R1 25 2009
2009-01-01 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment G1 R1 35 2009
2009-01-01 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment G1 R1 50 2009
2009-01-01 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment G1 R1 65 2009
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