GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

Agronomic Soil Chemistry — GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment

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Surface soil samples (0-25 cm) are collected annually (usually in the Fall) from the main plot and alternative treatment subplots (most years) of all BCSE treatments (G1-G10), then dried and sent to an analytical laboratory for fertilizer recommendations and analysis of pH, lime index, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and cation exchange capacity. Beginning in 2018, samples from annual treatments are analyzed every year and those from perennial crops are analyzed every three years.

This datatable is part of the GLBRC Soil Properties — Biofuel Cropping System Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains the chemical and physical properties of surface (0-25 cm) and deep (0-1 m) core soils of the GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment (BCSE).


Experiment: GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
Data available from: November 2008 to December 2024
Dataset: GLBRC088
Datatable ID: GLBRC088-008.210
Repository link:
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Last Updated 2025-02-21
Variate Description Units
sample date date of sample collection
site experimental location
treatment experimental treatment
replicate replicate nested within treatment
wi plot id Arlington Wisconsin site's plot identifier
top depth upper soil sampling depth cm
bottom depth lower soil sampling depth cm
pH pH of soil solution
lime index indicator of potential acidity
p ppm phosphorus concentration mg/g
k ppm potassium concentration mg/g
ca ppm calcium concentration mg/g
mg ppm magnesium concentration mg/g
est cec Cation exchange capacity in meq/100g soil meq/100g
zn ppm mg/g
s ppm mg/g
b ppm mg/g
main or microplot
phorphorus M3 ppm phosphorus concentration by employing the Mehlich-3 method mg/g
comments notes specific to the data row
lab The soil test lab that performed the analysis

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Data Excerpt

sample_date site treatment replicate wi_plot_id top_depth bottom_depth ph lime_index p_ppm k_ppm ca_ppm mg_ppm est_cec zn_ppm s_ppm b_ppm main_or_microplot p_M3_ppm comments lab
2024-11-11 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G1 R1 0 25 5.5 31.0 129.0 350.0 45.0 3.7 stover non-removal subplot 41.0 A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc
2024-11-11 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G1 R2 0 25 6.7 12.0 140.0 700.0 140.0 5.0 stover non-removal subplot 18.0 A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc
2024-11-11 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G1 R3 0 25 6.7 14.0 142.0 750.0 140.0 5.3 stover non-removal subplot 20.0 A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc
2024-11-11 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G1 R4 0 25 6.1 32.0 172.0 550.0 135.0 5.5 stover non-removal subplot 43.0 A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc
2024-11-11 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G1 R5 0 25 6.5 16.0 129.0 600.0 130.0 5.6 stover non-removal subplot 22.0 A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc
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