GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

Arlington Baseline Surface Soil Survey — GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment

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Soil samples collected 30 June-2 July 2008 and analyzed for an array of compounds to serve as a baseline soil survey for the Arlington GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment (G1-G10, plus auxiliary G11-G12). One bulk density core was taken per plot and that value is applied to all subsamples in the plot.
All samples are from horizon “act”. The 0-10 cm samples were collected with 6 cm height cores and the 10-25 cm samples were collected with 15 cm height cores; the core diameter for all was 3.7 cm

This datatable is part of the GLBRC Soil Properties — Biofuel Cropping System Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains the chemical and physical properties of surface (0-25 cm) and deep (0-1 m) core soils of the GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment (BCSE).


Experiment: GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
Data available from: January 2008
Dataset: GLBRC088
Datatable ID: GLBRC088-005.209
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
year year of the sampling date
site experiment location
experiment experiment name
treatment experimental treatment
station sampling location
soil sampleid
depth cm soil sample depth cm
ph pH
om percent organic matter %
p ppm phosphorus concentration µg/kg
k ppm potassium concentration mg/L
ca ppm calcium concentration µg/L
mg ppm magnesium concentration µg/L
est cec cation exchange capacity
na ppm sodium concentration mg/L
buffer ph buffer pH
bd g cc bulk density
n pct nitrogen percent %
c pct carbon percent %
om percent n organic matter nitrogen
om percent c carbon organic matter

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Data Excerpt

year site experiment treatment replicate station soil_sampleid depth_cm ph om_percent p_ppm k_ppm ca_ppm mg_ppm na_ppm est_cec density buffer_ph bd_g_cc n_pct c_pct om_percent_n om_percent_c
2008 Arlington GLBRC Intensive Site GLBRC Biofuels Cropping System Experiment G1 R1 S3 1 0_10 6.9 3.2 26 80 1469 518 12 11 0.93 1.22 0.11 1.7 3.59 53.1
2008 Arlington GLBRC Intensive Site GLBRC Biofuels Cropping System Experiment G1 R1 S3 2 10_25 6.6 2.8 16 60 1359 476 12 11 0.99 1.57 0.1 1.51 3.43 53.95
2008 Arlington GLBRC Intensive Site GLBRC Biofuels Cropping System Experiment G1 R1 S2 3 0_10 6.9 3.2 54 137 1613 487 10 12 0.96 1.22 0.17 1.84 5.3 57.53
2008 Arlington GLBRC Intensive Site GLBRC Biofuels Cropping System Experiment G1 R1 S2 4 10_25 6.5 4.4 34 73 1601 468 17 10 0.84 7.0 1.57 0.12 1.64 2.77 37.37
2008 Arlington GLBRC Intensive Site GLBRC Biofuels Cropping System Experiment G1 R1 S1 5 0_10 6.1 3.9 32 101 1693 456 11 11 0.9 6.8 1.22 0.16 2.18 4.06 55.87
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