GLBRC Sustainability Data Catalog

1 hour weather observations — GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment

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One hour observations from the Marginal Land site weather stations. The observations are the averages and totals for the hour.

This datatable is part of the Marginal Land Weather Stations dataset.

This datasets contains data from the Marginal Land Weather stations located at Escanaba MI, Rhinelander WI, Sauk Prairie WI, Oregon WI, Lake City, MI and Lux Arbor, MI.


Experiment: GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment
Data available from: December 2015 to April 2020
Dataset: GLBRC119
Datatable ID: GLBRC094-008.45
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Last Updated 2023-11-08
Variate Description Units
location the weather station location
datetime the date and time in UTC
battery voltage min v Minimum battery voltage
vwc avg volumetric water content at 10 cm (fraction)
vwc 2 avg volumetric water content at 25 cm (fraction)
soil temp 1 avg soil temperature at 10 cm
soil temp 2 avg soil temperature at 25 cm
airtc avg air temperature at 2 m
rh relative humidity (%)
par den avg PAR density average
par tot tot PAR total mmol/m^2
ws ms avg wind speed average
rain mm tot rainfall in mm
slrmj tot solar radiation.

Data Excerpt

location datetime battery_voltage_min_v vwc_10_cm_avg vwc_25_cm_avgj soil_temp_1_avg soil_temp_2_avg airtc_avg rh par_den_avg par_tot_tot ws_ms_avg rain_mm_tot slrmj_tot
Escanaba 2023-12-12 00:00:00 +0000 12.24 0.303 0.295 0.651 1.223 -5.793 92.5 0.045 0.1609929 0.0 2.420709e-05
Hancock 2023-12-12 00:00:00 +0000 12.39 0.069 0.085 1.005 2.135 -6.334 92.6 0.274 0.9856436 0.141 0.0
Lake City 2023-12-12 00:00:00 +0000 12.05 1.272 1.869 -2.305 81.7 0.012 0.04358037 3.041 2.443736e-05
Lux Arbor 2023-12-12 00:00:00 +0000 11.76 0.29 0.333 4.121 4.613 -1.259 79.84 0.127 0.458226 0.887 1.909587e-05
Rhinelander 2023-12-12 00:00:00 +0000 12.08 0.199 0.154 0.053 0.497 -7.583 30.56 0.01 0.03221303 2.044 6.589715e-05
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