CO2 Net Ecosystem Exchange using Eddy Covariance method

GLBRC084:CO2 Net Ecosystem Exchange using Eddy Covariance method

The eddy covariance tower method is used to make continuous measurements of the carbon dioxide net ecosystem exchange (NEE). There are 7 towers on KBS GLBRC scale-up fields; 3 at Lux Arbor Reserve and 4 at the the Marshall Farms fields.


GLBRC084-003 CO2 Net Ecosystem Exchange using Eddy Covariance

Gap-filled net ecosystem exchange data from the University of Toledo Eddy Covariance towers. The data here include the original data and the gap filled data.

Gap filling is done using the web application at: .
This link helps describe some of the output variables:

GLBRC084-004 Radiation Data collected at the Eddy Covariance Towers


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