
Species Composition - Transect Method


In use from 2010-01-01 to 2010-12-31

Location: Extensive sites of the GLBRC Biodiversity Experiment



This sampling protocol is based on the method used by University of Wisconsin for GLBRC floral sampling (Intensive Week Protocols.pdf, received from Ben Werling 7/30/10). Species composition is assessed in ten 1 m2 quadrats along a transect adjacent and parallel to the station flags and outside of the nested circles method area. One transect assessment is done in each field site.


Materials & Equipment:

1 × 1 meter PVC frame
Folding pocket magnifier (Bausch & Lomb)
Field data sheets


Placement of the transect lines: If the station flags are placed in a square pattern, the transect is within the area inside of the square, beginning 6-7 meters away from the flag. Two 50 meter transects are walked, parallel to each other—one between Stations A and B, the other between Stations C and D.
figure showing the placement of transect lines and census points if station flags are in a square pattern.

If the station flags are in a straight line, start the assessment 6-7 meters on one side of the Station A flag. A 100 meter transect is walked in an unbroken line parallel to the flags; typically the transect extends from Stations A to C.

figure showing the placement of transect lines and census points if station flags are in a straight line

1. Pace 6-7 meters from the station flag, then pace 5 meters in a line parallel to the station flags. Place the 1×1 meter frame. Log all species rooted within the 1 m2 area.

2. Pace 10 meters. Place the 1×1 meter frame. Log all species rooted in the 1 m2 area. Pace 10 meters again, continue until ten 1 m2 censuses have been done.

Note: All distances are estimated by pacing; direction and alignment are visually estimated.


a. Senesced plants that are part of the current year’s biomass and can be identified are included in the census.
b. Newly germinated plants with only cotyledons or fewer than two true leaves are not logged.
c. Plants with white and/or red foliage and no green color have been observed in some corn fields. Plants with no green color are not logged in the census.

Plant Identification Keys and Resources:

Gleason, Henry A. and Arthur Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, Second Edition. New York Botanical Garden: Bronx, NY.
Holmgren, Noel H. 1998. Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist’s Manual: Illustrations of the Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. New York Botanical Garden: Bronx, NY.
Voss, Edward G. 1972. Michigan Flora, Part I: Gymnosperms and Monocots. Regents of the University of Michigan: Ann Arbor, MI.
Voss, Edward G. 1985. Michigan Flora, Part II: Dicots (Saururaceae–Cornaceae). Regents of the University of Michigan: Ann Arbor, MI.
Voss, Edward G. 1996. Michigan Flora, Part III: Dicots (Pyrolaceae–Compositae). Regents of the University of Michigan: Ann Arbor, MI.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).
United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database.

Date modified: Tuesday, Oct 24 2023

