GLBRC141:GLBRC Scale-up Experiment Cropping Systems
This dataset contains data on plant communities in fields at Lux Arbor Reserve (L1-L3) and Marshall Farm (M1-M4) planted to corn (L1, M1), switchgrass (L2, M3), and restored prairie (L3, M2) in 2010 after a 2009 no-till soybean crop in all fields to convert tilled corn-soybean-wheat rotations (AGR) at Lux Arbor and fields in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) at Marshall Farm to no-till bioenergy crops. One field at Marshall Farm (M4) remains as CRP brome grass to serve as a reference. Each field has 10 sampling stations (S1-S10) around which most sampling occurs.
- Status: active
- Temporal Coverage 2009-01-01 to 2023-01-01
- GLBRC081-008 Agronomic Yield
Agronomic yields from machine harvests of fields at Lux Arbor Reserve and the Marshall Farm. Note that 1) corn and soybean grain are reported at standard moisture content in bushels per acre; 2) corn stover, switchgrass and restored prairie are reported as megagrams dry matter per hectare; and 3) removal of corn stover from fields began with the 2015 harvest.
- GLBRC081-010 Dry Matter Yield
Dry matter yields from machine harvest of fields at Lux Arbor Reserve and the Marshall Farm. Note that 1) corn and soybean grain are reported as dry weight (not at standard moisture content); 2) all yields are reported in megagrams dry matter per hectare; and 3) removal of corn stover from fields began with the 2015 harvest.
- GLBRC082-002 Aboveground Peak Plant Biomass
Peak above-ground biomass of plant communities in fields at Lux Arbor Reserve and Marshall Farm. Plants are hand-harvested within a quadrat and sorted to species; the residual dead plant material left on the soil surface after hand-harvest is collected and saved as “surface litter”. Peak biomass measurements are used as estimates of above-ground net primary production (ANPP); for machine harvested yields, see Note that 1) peak biomass sampling was discontinued after the 2016 growing season and 2) samples may also be analyzed for total carbon and nitrogen and archived.
- GLBRC082-013 Stem Counts of Annual Crops
Number of corn stems in quadrat samples collected at peak biomass in corn fields at Lux Arbor Reserve and Marshall Farm.
- GLBRC082-016 Canopy Species and Height
The composition and cover of canopy-forming plants is measured in switchgrass, restored prairie, and reference fields at Lux Arbor Reserve and Marshall Farm using the line-point intercept method. The first plant species intercepted vertically and its height is recorded every 5 meters along four NS transects stretching the full length of each field.
- GLBRC082-017 Switchgrass Stand Counts
Switchgrass stand counts conducted in fields at Lux Arbor Reserve and Marshall Farm early in growing season to monitor crop development and recruitment.
- GLBRC089-005 Root Biomass
Root biomass of plants, at or near peak biomass, in fields at Lux Arbor Reserve and Marshall Farm, reported as grams dry weight per square meter.
- GLBRC091-006 Plant Total Carbon and Nitrogen
Total carbon and nitrogen content of plants of the GLBRC Scale-up Experiment. Dried and ground subsamples of peak biomass samples are analyzed and include: 1) corn stems and grain at each sampling station in fields L1 and M1; 2) switchgrass, an aggregate of additional species, and surface litter, combined across stations, in fields L2 and M3; and 3) separate analysis of the top 3 species by weight, an aggregate of the remaining species, and surface litter, combined across stations, in fields L3, M2, and M4. Subsamples from soybean harvest in 2009 and occasional post-harvest residue collections are also included.
- GLBRC143-001 Residue Biomass
Biomass of crop residue left in the field after machine harvest of all crops at Lux Arbor and Marshall Farm in 2015 and for corn only in 2015-2017. Data collected to estimate harvest efficiency. Note that corn stover is harvested by windrowing and baling; in 2016-2017 samples were collected from within (W) and between (B) windrows.